Friday, January 19, 2007

ADEX Results: The Internet at 163 crores???

The TAM Adex ad survey for 2006 has just come out. And it seems to indicate the internet has a share of 1% at 163 crores. yes, you read it right, 163 crores.
Some quick thoughts on the number.'s India online advertising figures would seem to be 40% of total Indian advertising revenues.

The number clearly does not include income from google's ad sense programme which a lot of sites have taken a shine to. In fact, an estimate on the total money distributed by the adsense programme in 2006 puts a figure of around Rs28-32 crores. That is a really interesting number, as it means almost 20 percent of advertising extra for the publishers.

Perhaps most fascinatingly, it seems media owners do understand the relevance of online advertising more than we give them credit for. The three main industry sites,, and between them are estimatd to be garnering Rs 10 crores of advertising on the sites and their mailers. That is a not too inconsequential 6 plus percent, and added to other media advertising in the space, will probably add upto more than 15% of total money spent online. Very impressive numbers indeed.

Prediction for 2007: Internet at 260 crores.

1 comment:

agencyfaqs! said...

Very nice blog. Wish you would write more frequently.